Sparky is a hearing assist device and not a “hearing aid” in that Sparky is not prescribed and sold by a hearing professional, such as an audiologist.


From a member of the Sparky Maker community. Makers build Sparky’s for fun or minimal profit, offering a maximum sales price.


Totally open source with free access to a full build guide, files and more. Build for about $150 in readily available modules, available online (Amazon and others).


Sparky works anywhere in the world and is fully programmable without a smartphone or computer, perfect for disadvantaged areas. Build and donate or buy and donate.

Programmable and Flexible

Wear Your Tech!

Hang Sparky around your neck for a quick, ready to go solution.

Bone Conduction Technology

Leave your ears open to the world and augment your hearing with bone conduction, or use any set of standard earbuds.

Hide Sparky Away

Tuck Sparky into a pocket, use the included lapel stereo mic and either any standard wired earbuds of our bone conduction headset.

Why Sparky?

Several major studies have revealed that hearing loss leads to social isolation, depression and even — oddly — balance issues. I suffer from major hearing loss in my left ear and near total deafness in my right ear. I could comprehend that people were talking, but frequently could not understand what they were saying. My granddaughters were totally unintelligible! The cheapest solution I found was a $1250 hearing aid (again, that was the cheapest) for my left ear only. Sparky, on the other hand, can be built for a little over $150. With standard hearing aids nothing could be done for my deaf right ear. I started thinking about all those folks who suffer from hearing loss and — unlike me — had no insurance coverage for it. So over several months I started developing both the Sparky controller box and a very inexpensive bone conduction headset. Sparky works as well for me as that $1250 hearing aid, but also — via bone conduction — restores partial hearing in my deaf right ear by bypassing air conduction and stimulating the cochlea directly (see more about this on this site).

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